Friday, November 25, 2016


        Today  I will  be  writing  about  how  people  from  2  different  occupations  or  careers  would  look  at  the  same  topics  in  2  different perspectives. I  will  be  pointing  out  moves  that  the  writers  make  and  explain  which  writer  had  a  better  argument. I  will be  basing  it  off  of  supporting  details  and  resources  that  each  writer  has  given. I  have  found  2  different  types  of  articles on  drugs  and  crime. The  first  article I  would  say  is  more  like  government  perspective  on  drugs  and  crime. The  second  article  was  more  looked  at  from a  journalist  point  of  view. 

     The  first  article  was  from  a  government  website  and  talked  mainly  about  statistics  and  fats.  Being  as  though  its  on  a government  website  the  information  and  resources  are  more  trust  worthy. The  article  was  very  informal  also  it  gave  all  sorts  of  resources. By  giving  resources  I  would  call  that  “The  resource move”. For  example  the  article  stated “In 2004, 17% of state prisoners and 18% of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs. These percentages represent a slight increase for federal prisoners (16% in 1997) and a slight decrease for state prisoners (19% in 1997).
Source: BJS, Drug Use and Dependence, State and Federal Prisoners, 2004, NCJ 213530, October 2006 and Substance Abuse and Treatment, State and Federal Prisoners, 1997, NCJ 172871, January 1999. 

The  writer  of  the  article  made  a  move  called  “capturing  authorial  action”  move.  He  made  this  move  by  letting  the  readers  know  what  the  inmates  claimed  they  had  caught  their  cases  based on.  The  writer  lets  the  reader  know   that  these  facts  are  accurate  because  its  based  off  surveys  from  the  actual  inmates  them  selves.
In  the  article  the  writer  also  use  a  move  called  the  “camparison”move. The  article  stated “In  2002  about  a  quarter  of convicted  property  and  drug  offenders  in  local  jails  had  committed their  crimes  to  get  money  for  drugs, compared  to  5%  of  violent and  public  order  offenders. Among  state  prisoners  in  2004  the pattern  was  similar,  with  property  (30%)  and  drug  offenders  (26%) more  likely  to  commit  their  crimes  for  drug  money  than  violent (10%)  and  public-order  offenders  (7%). In  federal  prisons  property offenders  (11%)  were  less  than  half  as  likely  as  drug  offenders (25%)  to  report  drug  money  as  a  motive  in  their  offenses.
   The  move  that  the  writer  made  was  a  good  move  to  use  and  a  very  informal  move. I  think  the  author  chose  to  use  this  move  because  he  wanted  to  let  the  readers  have  some  type  of  ideas around  which  times  these  offenses  occurred.  If  I  was  to  give  this  move  a  grade  I  would  give  it  a “A”  because  I  think  its  very  useful. I  like  that  the  article  is  more  set  up  into  graphs  showing  the  number  of  homicides  and  the  number  of  homicides  that  were  drug  related. The  graphs  have  so  much  detail  from  year  dates  to numbers  of  homicides.

  Heres  an example  of  how  the   graph  is  set  up 

Year Number of homicides Percent drug related

1987 17,963 4.9 %
1988 17,971 5.6  
1989 18,954 7.4  
1990 20,273 6.7  
1991 21,676 6.2  
1992 22,716 5.7  
1993 23,180 5.5  
1994 22,084 5.6  
1995 20,232 5.1  
1996 16,967 5.0  
1997 15,837 5.1  
1998 14,276 4.8  
1999 13,011 4.5  
2000 13,230 4.5  
2001 14,061 4.1  
2002 14,263 4.7  
2003 14,465 4.7  
2004 14,210 3.9  
2005 14,965 4.0  
2006 15.087 5.3  
2007 14,831 3.9  

   I  can  also  name  this  example  a  move.  I’m  going  to  make  up this  move  and  I  think  I  should  call it the “show  the  reader  visually”  move.  I  call  this  move  the  “show the reader  visually” move  because  the  writer  actually  show  you  the  charts  and  graphs. His  arguments  were  based  on  facts  and  statistics.
   Being  as  though  this  article  was  on  a  government  website ( I  would  say  it  was  looked  at  from  a  government  point  of  view  .  A  person  who  might  want to  study  a  topic  like   this  might  have  degree  in  math  and  criminal  justice. This  article  was  more  so  statistically  driven. There  was  a  lot  of  logos  shown  in  this  article  and  mainly  numbers.

           The  next  article  I  have  found  was  a  article that  would  be  looked  at  from  a  journalist  point  of  view.  This  article  was  on the  same  topic  but  was  looked at  differently  because  of  difference in occupations. The  article  is  called  parents house seized after son drug bust.  Written  by  Pamela  Brown.  

This  article  was  about  a  family that  lived  in  the  Philadelphia  suburbs.  Christos Sourovelis (The  teenage  boy  father)  was  very  hard  working  man.  he  worked  6  days  a  week  some  times  7.  His  parents  had  no  idea  he  was  selling  drugs  till  the  cops  showed  up  one  day. Because  of  thie  son  wrong  doing  the  parnts  have  got  thier  home  taken  away. Chridtos  stated  "Im a working guy. I work every day, six days a week, even seven if I have to," m a working guy. I work every day, six days a week, even seven if I have to," Sourovelis says. One day this past March, without warning, the government took his house away, even though he and his wife, Markella, have never been charged with a crime or accused of any wrongdoing. says. One day this past March, without warning, the government took  his house away, even though he and his wife, Markella, have never been charged with a crime or accused of any wrongdoing.

        This  article  differs  from  the  government  article  beacuse  its  more  so  set  up  like  a  journalist  would  set  it  up.  It  haves  different  moves  and  approches  in  it.  It  was  based  off  of  interviews  and  bassically  close  up.  Kinda  like  a  movie.  These  2  articles  ar  on  th  same  topic  but yet  are  looked  at  differntly  be  cause  of  the  different  occupation  one  has. One  article  was  more  numbers  and  statistics  while  the  other  article  was  in  eassy  form. Thats  how  these  to  occupations  see  one  topic  in  different  perspectives.

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