Friday, November 11, 2016


                                   Making Moves

         I  chose  a text  written  by  a  teacher  its  called  

"What 20 Years Of Research Has Taught Us about The Chronic Effects Of Marijuana" by Alice .G Walton. Im  going  to  pin  point  some  moves  that  the  the teacher  used  while  writing  this  article.

         The  first  move  I  noticed  that  the  teacher  made  was  the  "Informal  Move". I  made  this  move  up, I  call  it  the  informal  move  because  in  the  beginning  of  the  article  the  writer  gave  the  reader  some  information  about  how  long  the  study  has  been  going  on  for. The  writer  stated  "Though  researchers have  been  studying  the  effects  of  marijuana  for decades,  the  science  has  really  exploded  just  in  the last  20  years,  due  in  part  to  better  study  methods, and  also  spurred  by  the  growing  interest  in legalization" (  I   think  the  author  might  have  chosen  this  move  just  to  give  the  reader  a  little  insight  or  evidence  of  research  before  the  reader  dive  all  the  way  in  to  the  article. I  think  that  this  does  a  lot  for  the  text  be  cause  you  would  think  a  reader  would  want  to  know  some  facts  before  getting  deep  into  the  text.

         The  second  move  that  I  noticed  the  athuor  made  ws  the  "They  say"  move.  I  would  call this  the  "They  say"  move  because  the  author  lets  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers  has  suggested  or  just  letting  the  reader  know  the  different  resources. In  the  article  the  writer  stated  " But  the  researchers suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization  should  come increasing  public  awareness  of  the  sometimes-serious effects  of  chronic  use''. The  aurthor  might  have  choose  this  move  because  its  a  good  way  to  let  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers think  or  sugest. This  move  makes  the  tex  a  little  more  informal. If  I  was  to  grade  this  move  I  would  give  it  an  ''A''   because  I  think  its  a  important  move  to  make and  is  helpful  for  readers.

       The  third  move  I  have  noticed  the  author  has  made  is  called  the  "bullet point move" . This  is  a  move  I  made  up  on  my  own. I  think  the  author  chose  this  move  because  its  very  helpful  to  break  down  different points  that  the  writer  is  trying  to  make. By  doing  this  I  think  the  reader  would  get  a  better  understanding  in  what  they  are  reading. The  atuthor  chose  this  move  because  its  easier  to  comprehend  a  text  that  is  in  bullet  points. i  would  grade  this  move  an  "B"  because  its  helpful  to  use  these  bullet  points  but  to  me, using  bullet  points is  not  in  a  eassy  form.

         The  next  move  that  I  noticed  the  writer  made was  the  "Compare"  move. This  another  move  that  i  have  made  up  on  my  own. The  writer  used  this  move  when  comparing  the  acute  effects  of  Marijuana  and  the  chronic  effects. The  author  stated "The  acute  effects  aren’t  so  bad:  No  one  has  ever died  from  a natural  marijuana  overdose,  the  study found. Driving  while  high  on  marijuana  does  seem  to double  the  risk  of  a  car  crash,  which  is  of  course heightened  if  there  is  also  alcohol  in  the  system". Then  the  writer  also  stated"Marijuana  can  be addictive. But  only  for  some  people. About  10%  of  all  users  seem  to  develop  dependence  syndrome,  and  for  those  who  start  in  adolescence,  the  number is  more  like  1  in  6. The  author  picked  this  move  because  its  a  way  to  tell  the  reader  the  good  effects  of  marijuana  and also  the  bad  effects. This  is  a  good  way  to  give  the  reader  insights  on  both  effects.

       The  final  move  I  noticed  in  this  article  is  called  the "Making  concessions  while  still  standing  your  ground" move. An  example  of  this  move  is  when  the  writer  stated"
What’s  clear  is  that  marijuana  has  a number  of  adverse  effects  over  years  of  use – in certain  people,  anyway. What’s  not  so  clear  is  how policy  should  be  informed  by  the  science. But  the researchers  suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization should  come  increasing  public  awareness  of  the sometimes-serious  effects  of  chronic  use''. ( The  author  picked  this  move  because  this  move  tells  the  reader  whats  fact  and  whats not. I  give  this  move  an ''C''  because  its  not  really  too  effective  to  me  as  a  reader.

       All  in  all  these  moves  helps  readers become  better  writers. If  a  reader  can  spot  these moves, they are  showing  growth  in  thier  reading  skills. Thes  moves  are  important  because  you  van  use  these  moves  when  writing  an  essay  of  your  owns. Spotting  moves  is  a  great  way  to  perfect  your eassy. Use them!

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