Sunday, November 20, 2016


       Today blog is going to be about how i feel bout whats going on in class nd how i feel about my wp2 paper. I feel somewhat comfortable with it. I feel like at this point in class its "crunch time". The projects are coing back to back. I will say that I am going to try my best to cmplete all projects. In my wp2 im going to be writing about crime and drugs.

   I think I have found 2 articles with great examples in them. One article shows satistics and the other one is set up more like an eassy or article. From my understanding I understanding I need to pick to occupations with 2 articles and explain who had a better argument. What writing moves they have made? What coventions? Rhetorical writing?

I am going to try to add vocab words through out the whole paper. By using th vocab words im assuming that the eassy will automatically fall into place by doing so. I just wanna do good in the class and i will put all efforts to try to past. 

  I know sometimes I get distracted at home with the kids and other stuff like tv an cell phone. but for this wp2 im going to take a different approach writing this paper. im going to bloc my self out from every one else and try to focus. Thats the best i can do.

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