Friday, November 25, 2016


        Today  I will  be  writing  about  how  people  from  2  different  occupations  or  careers  would  look  at  the  same  topics  in  2  different perspectives. I  will  be  pointing  out  moves  that  the  writers  make  and  explain  which  writer  had  a  better  argument. I  will be  basing  it  off  of  supporting  details  and  resources  that  each  writer  has  given. I  have  found  2  different  types  of  articles on  drugs  and  crime. The  first  article I  would  say  is  more  like  government  perspective  on  drugs  and  crime. The  second  article  was  more  looked  at  from a  journalist  point  of  view. 

     The  first  article  was  from  a  government  website  and  talked  mainly  about  statistics  and  fats.  Being  as  though  its  on  a government  website  the  information  and  resources  are  more  trust  worthy. The  article  was  very  informal  also  it  gave  all  sorts  of  resources. By  giving  resources  I  would  call  that  “The  resource move”. For  example  the  article  stated “In 2004, 17% of state prisoners and 18% of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs. These percentages represent a slight increase for federal prisoners (16% in 1997) and a slight decrease for state prisoners (19% in 1997).
Source: BJS, Drug Use and Dependence, State and Federal Prisoners, 2004, NCJ 213530, October 2006 and Substance Abuse and Treatment, State and Federal Prisoners, 1997, NCJ 172871, January 1999. 

The  writer  of  the  article  made  a  move  called  “capturing  authorial  action”  move.  He  made  this  move  by  letting  the  readers  know  what  the  inmates  claimed  they  had  caught  their  cases  based on.  The  writer  lets  the  reader  know   that  these  facts  are  accurate  because  its  based  off  surveys  from  the  actual  inmates  them  selves.
In  the  article  the  writer  also  use  a  move  called  the  “camparison”move. The  article  stated “In  2002  about  a  quarter  of convicted  property  and  drug  offenders  in  local  jails  had  committed their  crimes  to  get  money  for  drugs, compared  to  5%  of  violent and  public  order  offenders. Among  state  prisoners  in  2004  the pattern  was  similar,  with  property  (30%)  and  drug  offenders  (26%) more  likely  to  commit  their  crimes  for  drug  money  than  violent (10%)  and  public-order  offenders  (7%). In  federal  prisons  property offenders  (11%)  were  less  than  half  as  likely  as  drug  offenders (25%)  to  report  drug  money  as  a  motive  in  their  offenses.
   The  move  that  the  writer  made  was  a  good  move  to  use  and  a  very  informal  move. I  think  the  author  chose  to  use  this  move  because  he  wanted  to  let  the  readers  have  some  type  of  ideas around  which  times  these  offenses  occurred.  If  I  was  to  give  this  move  a  grade  I  would  give  it  a “A”  because  I  think  its  very  useful. I  like  that  the  article  is  more  set  up  into  graphs  showing  the  number  of  homicides  and  the  number  of  homicides  that  were  drug  related. The  graphs  have  so  much  detail  from  year  dates  to numbers  of  homicides.

  Heres  an example  of  how  the   graph  is  set  up 

Year Number of homicides Percent drug related

1987 17,963 4.9 %
1988 17,971 5.6  
1989 18,954 7.4  
1990 20,273 6.7  
1991 21,676 6.2  
1992 22,716 5.7  
1993 23,180 5.5  
1994 22,084 5.6  
1995 20,232 5.1  
1996 16,967 5.0  
1997 15,837 5.1  
1998 14,276 4.8  
1999 13,011 4.5  
2000 13,230 4.5  
2001 14,061 4.1  
2002 14,263 4.7  
2003 14,465 4.7  
2004 14,210 3.9  
2005 14,965 4.0  
2006 15.087 5.3  
2007 14,831 3.9  

   I  can  also  name  this  example  a  move.  I’m  going  to  make  up this  move  and  I  think  I  should  call it the “show  the  reader  visually”  move.  I  call  this  move  the  “show the reader  visually” move  because  the  writer  actually  show  you  the  charts  and  graphs. His  arguments  were  based  on  facts  and  statistics.
   Being  as  though  this  article  was  on  a  government  website ( I  would  say  it  was  looked  at  from  a  government  point  of  view  .  A  person  who  might  want to  study  a  topic  like   this  might  have  degree  in  math  and  criminal  justice. This  article  was  more  so  statistically  driven. There  was  a  lot  of  logos  shown  in  this  article  and  mainly  numbers.

           The  next  article  I  have  found  was  a  article that  would  be  looked  at  from  a  journalist  point  of  view.  This  article  was  on the  same  topic  but  was  looked at  differently  because  of  difference in occupations. The  article  is  called  parents house seized after son drug bust.  Written  by  Pamela  Brown.  

This  article  was  about  a  family that  lived  in  the  Philadelphia  suburbs.  Christos Sourovelis (The  teenage  boy  father)  was  very  hard  working  man.  he  worked  6  days  a  week  some  times  7.  His  parents  had  no  idea  he  was  selling  drugs  till  the  cops  showed  up  one  day. Because  of  thie  son  wrong  doing  the  parnts  have  got  thier  home  taken  away. Chridtos  stated  "Im a working guy. I work every day, six days a week, even seven if I have to," m a working guy. I work every day, six days a week, even seven if I have to," Sourovelis says. One day this past March, without warning, the government took his house away, even though he and his wife, Markella, have never been charged with a crime or accused of any wrongdoing. says. One day this past March, without warning, the government took  his house away, even though he and his wife, Markella, have never been charged with a crime or accused of any wrongdoing.

        This  article  differs  from  the  government  article  beacuse  its  more  so  set  up  like  a  journalist  would  set  it  up.  It  haves  different  moves  and  approches  in  it.  It  was  based  off  of  interviews  and  bassically  close  up.  Kinda  like  a  movie.  These  2  articles  ar  on  th  same  topic  but yet  are  looked  at  differntly  be  cause  of  the  different  occupation  one  has. One  article  was  more  numbers  and  statistics  while  the  other  article  was  in  eassy  form. Thats  how  these  to  occupations  see  one  topic  in  different  perspectives.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


       Today blog is going to be about how i feel bout whats going on in class nd how i feel about my wp2 paper. I feel somewhat comfortable with it. I feel like at this point in class its "crunch time". The projects are coing back to back. I will say that I am going to try my best to cmplete all projects. In my wp2 im going to be writing about crime and drugs.

   I think I have found 2 articles with great examples in them. One article shows satistics and the other one is set up more like an eassy or article. From my understanding I understanding I need to pick to occupations with 2 articles and explain who had a better argument. What writing moves they have made? What coventions? Rhetorical writing?

I am going to try to add vocab words through out the whole paper. By using th vocab words im assuming that the eassy will automatically fall into place by doing so. I just wanna do good in the class and i will put all efforts to try to past. 

  I know sometimes I get distracted at home with the kids and other stuff like tv an cell phone. but for this wp2 im going to take a different approach writing this paper. im going to bloc my self out from every one else and try to focus. Thats the best i can do.

Friday, November 11, 2016

thlog redo . about class

           Today  im  going  to  be  writing  about  the  intensity  of  the  class  and  how  i  feel  about  the  work  that  we  are  doing. I  feel like  the  work  is  kinda  hard  for  the  most  part. I  have  took  a  2  year  break  from  school  so  when  it  comes  to  thinking  I  have  to  get  back  in  the  creative  thinking  mind  set  again.  I  think  I  have  great  potential  to  be  a  good  writer  with  more  time  and  practice. The  projects  are  back  to  back  so  its  a  little  frustrating. Sometimes  if  I  fall  behind  in class  its  because  problems  at  home  or  im  busy  with  my  daughter. I keep my  daughter  5  days  out  the  week   and  she  can  be  a  handful  at  times.  Not  to  mention  im  a  single  father  , so  i  get  cuaught  up  a  lot  watching  after  her.

       I  can  say  that  I  understand  the  cousre  more  this  week  then  I  did  last  week. I  never  really  understood  genres  at  first   but  now  I  know  just  what  it  is. It  was  just  a little  confusion  because  you  were  throwing  all  type  of  information  at  us  all  in  one  day.  Certain  terms  and   other  things, I would  be  getting  them  mixed  up  and  confused. I  really  do  try  to  do  the  work  ,working  around  my  home  schedule. Even  if  I  might  not  fully  understand, I  still wont  come in  class  with  no  work  at  all. Its  better  to  try  and  get  part  of  a  grade  then  to  not  do  nothing  at  all  and  get  big  fat  0!

         I  completly  understand "moves". This  paper  is  a  lot  easier  then  genres. I  might  still  need  a  little  help  but  for  the  most  part  I  understand. Something  I  think  would  be  usful for  class  is  pairing  classmates  every  class  to  make  sure  that  thier  other  class mate  is  on  track  and  if  not  give  them  the  help  they  need. The  first  time  you  paired  us  in  a  group  that  helped  me  a  lot  because  I  can  use  some  of  my  class mates  ideas  to  come  up  with  some  of  my  own. I  like  to  take  my  time  learning  something  personally. Growing  up  I  never  been  a  fast  learner  I  like  to  take  my  time  doing  things. It  feels  like  everything  is  moving  so  fast  but  i  will  try  my  best  to  keep  up.!


                                   Making Moves

         I  chose  a text  written  by  a  teacher  its  called  

"What 20 Years Of Research Has Taught Us about The Chronic Effects Of Marijuana" by Alice .G Walton. Im  going  to  pin  point  some  moves  that  the  the teacher  used  while  writing  this  article.

         The  first  move  I  noticed  that  the  teacher  made  was  the  "Informal  Move". I  made  this  move  up, I  call  it  the  informal  move  because  in  the  beginning  of  the  article  the  writer  gave  the  reader  some  information  about  how  long  the  study  has  been  going  on  for. The  writer  stated  "Though  researchers have  been  studying  the  effects  of  marijuana  for decades,  the  science  has  really  exploded  just  in  the last  20  years,  due  in  part  to  better  study  methods, and  also  spurred  by  the  growing  interest  in legalization" (  I   think  the  author  might  have  chosen  this  move  just  to  give  the  reader  a  little  insight  or  evidence  of  research  before  the  reader  dive  all  the  way  in  to  the  article. I  think  that  this  does  a  lot  for  the  text  be  cause  you  would  think  a  reader  would  want  to  know  some  facts  before  getting  deep  into  the  text.

         The  second  move  that  I  noticed  the  athuor  made  ws  the  "They  say"  move.  I  would  call this  the  "They  say"  move  because  the  author  lets  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers  has  suggested  or  just  letting  the  reader  know  the  different  resources. In  the  article  the  writer  stated  " But  the  researchers suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization  should  come increasing  public  awareness  of  the  sometimes-serious effects  of  chronic  use''. The  aurthor  might  have  choose  this  move  because  its  a  good  way  to  let  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers think  or  sugest. This  move  makes  the  tex  a  little  more  informal. If  I  was  to  grade  this  move  I  would  give  it  an  ''A''   because  I  think  its  a  important  move  to  make and  is  helpful  for  readers.

       The  third  move  I  have  noticed  the  author  has  made  is  called  the  "bullet point move" . This  is  a  move  I  made  up  on  my  own. I  think  the  author  chose  this  move  because  its  very  helpful  to  break  down  different points  that  the  writer  is  trying  to  make. By  doing  this  I  think  the  reader  would  get  a  better  understanding  in  what  they  are  reading. The  atuthor  chose  this  move  because  its  easier  to  comprehend  a  text  that  is  in  bullet  points. i  would  grade  this  move  an  "B"  because  its  helpful  to  use  these  bullet  points  but  to  me, using  bullet  points is  not  in  a  eassy  form.

         The  next  move  that  I  noticed  the  writer  made was  the  "Compare"  move. This  another  move  that  i  have  made  up  on  my  own. The  writer  used  this  move  when  comparing  the  acute  effects  of  Marijuana  and  the  chronic  effects. The  author  stated "The  acute  effects  aren’t  so  bad:  No  one  has  ever died  from  a natural  marijuana  overdose,  the  study found. Driving  while  high  on  marijuana  does  seem  to double  the  risk  of  a  car  crash,  which  is  of  course heightened  if  there  is  also  alcohol  in  the  system". Then  the  writer  also  stated"Marijuana  can  be addictive. But  only  for  some  people. About  10%  of  all  users  seem  to  develop  dependence  syndrome,  and  for  those  who  start  in  adolescence,  the  number is  more  like  1  in  6. The  author  picked  this  move  because  its  a  way  to  tell  the  reader  the  good  effects  of  marijuana  and also  the  bad  effects. This  is  a  good  way  to  give  the  reader  insights  on  both  effects.

       The  final  move  I  noticed  in  this  article  is  called  the "Making  concessions  while  still  standing  your  ground" move. An  example  of  this  move  is  when  the  writer  stated"
What’s  clear  is  that  marijuana  has  a number  of  adverse  effects  over  years  of  use – in certain  people,  anyway. What’s  not  so  clear  is  how policy  should  be  informed  by  the  science. But  the researchers  suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization should  come  increasing  public  awareness  of  the sometimes-serious  effects  of  chronic  use''. ( The  author  picked  this  move  because  this  move  tells  the  reader  whats  fact  and  whats not. I  give  this  move  an ''C''  because  its  not  really  too  effective  to  me  as  a  reader.

       All  in  all  these  moves  helps  readers become  better  writers. If  a  reader  can  spot  these moves, they are  showing  growth  in  thier  reading  skills. Thes  moves  are  important  because  you  van  use  these  moves  when  writing  an  essay  of  your  owns. Spotting  moves  is  a  great  way  to  perfect  your eassy. Use them!


                                   Making Moves

         I  chose  a text  written  by  a  teacher  its  called  

"What 20 Years Of Research Has Taught Us about The Chronic Effects Of Marijuana" by Alice .G Walton. Im  going  to  pin  point  some  moves  that  the  the teacher  used  while  writing  this  article.

         The  first  move  I  noticed  that  the  teacher  made  was  the  "Informal  Move". I  made  this  move  up, I  call  it  the  informal  move  because  in  the  beginning  of  the  article  the  writer  gave  the  reader  some  information  about  how  long  the  study  has  been  going  on  for. The  writer  stated  "Though  researchers have  been  studying  the  effects  of  marijuana  for decades,  the  science  has  really  exploded  just  in  the last  20  years,  due  in  part  to  better  study  methods, and  also  spurred  by  the  growing  interest  in legalization" (  I   think  the  author  might  have  chosen  this  move  just  to  give  the  reader  a  little  insight  or  evidence  of  research  before  the  reader  dive  all  the  way  in  to  the  article. I  think  that  this  does  a  lot  for  the  text  be  cause  you  would  think  a  reader  would  want  to  know  some  facts  before  getting  deep  into  the  text.

         The  second  move  that  I  noticed  the  athuor  made  ws  the  "They  say"  move.  I  would  call this  the  "They  say"  move  because  the  author  lets  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers  has  suggested  or  just  letting  the  reader  know  the  different  resources. In  the  article  the  writer  stated  " But  the  researchers suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization  should  come increasing  public  awareness  of  the  sometimes-serious effects  of  chronic  use''. The  aurthor  might  have  choose  this  move  because  its  a  good  way  to  let  the  reader  know  what  other  researchers think  or  sugest. This  move  makes  the  tex  a  little  more  informal. If  I  was  to  grade  this  move  I  would  give  it  an  ''A''   because  I  think  its  a  important  move  to  make and  is  helpful  for  readers.

       The  third  move  I  have  noticed  the  author  has  made  is  called  the  "bullet point move" . This  is  a  move  I  made  up  on  my  own. I  think  the  author  chose  this  move  because  its  very  helpful  to  break  down  different points  that  the  writer  is  trying  to  make. By  doing  this  I  think  the  reader  would  get  a  better  understanding  in  what  they  are  reading. The  atuthor  chose  this  move  because  its  easier  to  comprehend  a  text  that  is  in  bullet  points. i  would  grade  this  move  an  "B"  because  its  helpful  to  use  these  bullet  points  but  to  me, using  bullet  points is  not  in  a  eassy  form.

         The  next  move  that  I  noticed  the  writer  made was  the  "Compare"  move. This  another  move  that  i  have  made  up  on  my  own. The  writer  used  this  move  when  comparing  the  acute  effects  of  Marijuana  and  the  chronic  effects. The  author  stated "The  acute  effects  aren’t  so  bad:  No  one  has  ever died  from  a natural  marijuana  overdose,  the  study found. Driving  while  high  on  marijuana  does  seem  to double  the  risk  of  a  car  crash,  which  is  of  course heightened  if  there  is  also  alcohol  in  the  system". Then  the  writer  also  stated"Marijuana  can  be addictive. But  only  for  some  people. About  10%  of  all  users  seem  to  develop  dependence  syndrome,  and  for  those  who  start  in  adolescence,  the  number is  more  like  1  in  6. The  author  picked  this  move  because  its  a  way  to  tell  the  reader  the  good  effects  of  marijuana  and also  the  bad  effects. This  is  a  good  way  to  give  the  reader  insights  on  both  effects.

       The  final  move  I  noticed  in  this  article  is  called  the "Making  concessions  while  still  standing  your  ground" move. An  example  of  this  move  is  when  the  writer  stated"
What’s  clear  is  that  marijuana  has  a number  of  adverse  effects  over  years  of  use – in certain  people,  anyway. What’s  not  so  clear  is  how policy  should  be  informed  by  the  science. But  the researchers  suggest  that  with  increasing  legalization should  come  increasing  public  awareness  of  the sometimes-serious  effects  of  chronic  use''. ( The  author  picked  this  move  because  this  move  tells  the  reader  whats  fact  and  whats not. I  give  this  move  an ''C''  because  its  not  really  too  effective  to  me  as  a  reader.

       All  in  all  these  moves  helps  readers become  better  writers. If  a  reader  can  spot  these moves, they are  showing  growth  in  thier  reading  skills. Thes  moves  are  important  because  you  van  use  these  moves  when  writing  an  essay  of  your  owns. Spotting  moves  is  a  great  way  to  perfect  your eassy. Use them!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

wp1 final

                                                         Political Genres

              I  have  found  literary  genre  in  Political Issues that  I  thought  was  interesting. Political  issues  may  be  the  topic ,  but when  it  comes  to  genres  I  have  found  3  Political  issues  that  can  be  considered  as  genres. These  issues  are  drugs, crime, and  education.  I  know  your  probably  thinking  to  your  self  whats  genre  right? I  know  that  when  you  heard  the  word  "genre"  the  first  thing  that  probably  came  to  your  head  was  music  genres. Well  I'm  here  to  tell  you  that,  thats  not  the  only  kind  of  genres.  Genre  can  be  any  thing  that  can  be  written  in  texual  form. 

        The  first  political  issue  that  I  have  found  to  be  a  genre  is  "Drugs". This  issue  can  be  considered  a  genre  because  I have  found  different  ways  people  writes  about  "drug  abuse"  or  "war on drugs".  For  example  I  have  found  a  mini  article  about  Bernie  Sanders  agreeing  with  rapper  Jayz  about  ending  the  war  on  drugs.  Rapper  Jayz  had  tweeted " The  war  on  drugs  is  an  epic  fail.  Why  are  white  men  poised  to  get  rich  doing  the  same  thing  African  Americans  been  going  to  prison for?".  (us Bernie Sanders  replied  to  that  tweet  "Jayz is  right  we  need  to  end  the  war  on  drugs".  

        The  war  on  drugs  exploded  the  U.S  prison  population  disproportionately  locking  away  blacks  and  latinos.  Our   prison  population  grew  more  then  900  percent.  When  the  war  on  drugs  began  in  1971  the  prison  population  was  at  200,000.  Today  it  is  over  2,000,000.  The  article  stated  "Venture capitalists  migrate  to [states where  marijuana  has  been legalized]  to  open  multibillion  dollar  operations,  but  former felons  can't  open  a  dispensary,"  Jay Z continues. "Lots  of  times,  those  felonies  were  drug  charges  caught  by  poor  people who  sold  drugs  for  a  living  but  are  now  prohibited  from participating  in  one  of  the  fastest-growing  economies"      

         The  second  political  issue  that  I  have  found  to  be  a  genre  is  crime  rate.  I  have  found  another  form  of  writing  about  this  topic.  Which  makes  it  a  genre. I  have  found  another  article  about  this  topic  that  was on  The  article  stated  that  CLEVELAND, Ohio - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has made violent crime in American cities a major issue in his campaign. Inner cities, he says, are a "living hell" of increasing violence and homicide".  Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says the opposite. In the first debate on Sept. 26, she said, "Violent crime is one-half of what it was in 1991." The  question  you  might  wanna  know  is  who  is  right? Well  in a  weird  way  both  of  them  are  right.! Trump  is  correct  because  in  some  cities  the  violent  crime  rat  has  went  up  in  2014, 2015, and 2016. Clinton is correct that while the numbers have spiked in some major cities, the national trend shows a steady decrease over several decades.

        The  third  political  issue  that  i  found  to  be  a  genre  is "education".  Education  is  a  big  part  of  America's  political  issues. I  decided  that  this  issue  was  a  genre  because  I  have  found  a  couple  different  ways  people  write  about  education. I  have  found  a  news  paper  article  that  talks  about why  American  students  are  falling  behind. ( In  the  article  it stated  that  the fact that  the  nation’s  high  school  graduation  rate  this  year  rose  to the highest rate in three decades, that college enrollment has grown, particularly  for  Hispanic  students,  and  that  fourth  and  eighth graders saw small gains in both reading and math on the 2013 National  Assessment  of   Educational  Progress,  known  as  the Nation’s  Report  Card,  which  was  released  Nov. 7. A  secretary  named  Arne  Ducan  stated In  a  knowledge-based,  global economy,  where  education  is  more  important  than  ever  before, both  to  individual  success  and  collective  prosperity,  our students  are  basically  losing  ground,”  Duncan  said. “We’re running   in  place, as  other  high  performing  countries  start  to lap  us.”
        Now  I  know  your  probaly  thinking  what  makes  all these  genres  "genres"?  Well  I  have  found  different  conventions  and  terms  in  writing  that  makes these  genres  "genres".

1.Rhetorical writing

      I  know  if  your  new  to  genres  and  your  looking  at  this  list  of  words  your  probably  thinking  to  your  self  what  the  hell  do  those  mean?! These  are  just  some  of  the  terms  you  can  use  to check  if  a  peice  of  writing  is  a  genre.

     All  these  articles  all  had  theses  terms  in  common.  I  would  say  that  all  the  aritcles  had  rhetorical  writing  in  them. Rhetorical writing  is  when  a  writer  is  trying  to  persude  you  through  writing.  All three  of  the  articles  were  trying  to persude  the  reader  to  belive  what  they  were  talking  about  in the  article.  Whats  the  purpose  of  the  article  if  it  cant  be  persuasive?  The  articles  also  showed  examples  of  Logos.  Logos  is  when  it  is  apeeling  to  the  audience  sense  of  logic, facts, and  satisistics. In  all  three  articles  they  were  showing  examples  of  satisitics  and  facts  based  on  research. These  articles  also  showed  different  conventions.  Conventions  are  the  ingrediants or  charicteristics  to  identify  a  text.  The  article  showed  conventions  by  having  different  aproaches  and  appels  to  the  audince.  The  articles  had  different  forms  of  writing  that  makes  up  these  coventions.  Ethos  played  a  part  in  these  articles  too.  Ethos  is  the  credibility  of  a  writer  or rhetor.  These  articles  all  gave  credibility  to  the  writers  in  the  beginning  of  each  article.  The  last   thing  I  noticed  these  articles  had  in common  was  Pathos. Pathos  is  reading  something  that  evolks  emotion.  All the  genres I  picked  all are  major  issues  in  america.  People  actully  care  about  these  things.  For  a  person  to  care  about  these  things  such  as  my  self,  reading  these  articles  evolked  emotion  because  I  can  relate  to  all these  genres  in  real  life.

Friday, October 28, 2016


                                                        Genre in Dance

        I  have  found  literary  genre  in  Hip-Hop  dance  that  i  
 thought  was  interesting. Dance  may  be  the  topic  but  when  it  
 comes  to genre  "Hip-Hop"  is  a  type  of  genre. There  are  also  
 many  different  types  of  dance  genres. Usually  when  people  
think  of  the  word  genre  the  first  thing  that  person  might  think  about  is  music. Well  I'm  here  to  let  you  know  that  music,  dance,  or  anything  that  has  to  do  with  music  are  not  the  only  types  of  genres. Genres  can  be  in  things  you  do  and  see  everyday. My  definition  of  genre: Anything  that   is  in written  or  textual form. 

      Like  I  said  in  the  paragraph  above ,  Dance  the  topic  but  Hip-Hop  is the genre. Hip-Hop  evolved  from  the  music  style  that  was  first  introduced  in  the 1970s. Powered  by  the  great  popularity  in  media,  movies,  and  television  programs. Hip-Hop  dances  found  a  great  foothold  on the  United  States,  France,  United Kingdom,  and South Karea. Journalist  from  various  online  sites  writes  about  Hip-Hop  dance. For  example;  has  dance  trends  articles  up  there.  

       A  reader  could  read  this  article  in  different  perspectives.  some  people  might  read  this  article  rhetorically  or  even  figure  out  what  the  conventions  are  of  this  certain  genre. For  example  in  the  article  I  read on, I  read  it  rhetorically. I   think  it  was  rhetorical  because  it  was  persuasive  in  a  way. A  quote  from  the  article  stated "These  dances  in  a  way  link  all  of  us  together  and  allow  everyone  to  let  go  and  be  silly,  and  have  a  little  fun.

        Some  one  thats  reading  a piece  like  this  would  scan  through  it  because  it  could  have  some  informal  or  important  details  about  genre. Someone  will  read  this  article  like  a  writer  because  it  will  help  them  get  a better  understanding  of  rhetorically writing  or  writing  conventions. This  article  also  showed  logos. The  article  showed  logos  by  stating  that  "Hip-Hop  dances  are  trends  today  and  go  viral  all  the  time  online.  People  from  all  around  the  world  see  these  dances . Its   a  proven  fact how  many  peaople  have  viewed these  dance  videos  all  around  the  world.

       This  article  also  showed  ethos.  Before you  get  a  chance  to  read  the  article, at  the  top  of  the  page  the  article  gives  credibility  to  the  writer  or  author. Pathos  for  me  played  a  big  part  also. Me  personally  reading  the  article  felt  some  type  of  emotion  as  in  being  excited  to  read  about  it  because  I  love  to  dance . In   the  article  I  found  different  strategies  we  use  when  discussing  genre  .

1.Rhetorical Writing

      This  article  shows  conventions. It  explains  what  ingredients  was  put  together  to  make  these  dance  videos  go  viral . For  example  ,  Facebook  getting  that  video  shared  around  millions  of  times  , or  even you tube.