Friday, October 14, 2016


                               The genre that I am writing about is "Racism". I found three different news articles online about racism. The web sites were,, and on

          The definition of "Racism" is when the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. There are so many other words associated with the word "racism" like prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism.  Racism still exist after hundreds of years. Racism started in the 1600s when African Americans first came to America. That's when the Americans started being racist towards them. Racism started because some people felt like they wanted to be superior , entitled , better , and more deserving of any good then those who were a different color then them.

          Racism can be found all across America. Not only in America but other countries too. You can usually find information on racism in news articles and other websites on line. The subject that this genre usually include is "separation". This genre addresses the discrimination issues we have in society today . For example you might see a police officer pull over 4 black males but odds are that they probably wouldn't pull over a group of whit males in that same situation. That would also be called racial profiling. My definition of racial profiling  is when someone judge you off your appearance or the color of your skin. Today we don't really address these issues because  some people wants to believe that racism doesn't exist .

        In todays society  the main participants in reading and writing about racism might be political parties.  People who usually writes and read about racism are book reporters and journalist .Writers and readers usually read or right about this genre when something happens in today life concerning racism. This genre is used in every day life . It is used for the good so we can put a end to racism. The purpose that it fulfill for those who read and write about racism is that they will give their audience a better understanding of racism. The thing that readers and writers get out of Writing about this genre is "change".    

       There is usually no content included when were talking about racism. In today world no ones never satisfied with racism because the issue is still not resolved. We have evidence today that racism still exists. For example, on all job application they ask you what race you are. Why would an employer need to know that if they weren't discriminating? That is just a small part of the evidence it exists today. Another one in poor black neighborhoods if there's a violent crime the cops would come late and probably let the person who's shot die. Verses a white neighborhood if someone gets shot they come faster then a blank of a eye.

       The rhetoric appeals that are commonly used in these articles and information on racism is when people try to persuade the audience that racism doesn't exist. These writers attempt to persuade readers by starting off their articles with interesting topic.


  1. Hi man, that was a nice textual genre. But I think you had not being specific on how people thinks or thoughts about racism, and where these ideals can be found. you just gave a brief history of racism.

  2. Cartier,

    Hello! Ok, so first thing’s first: “racism” is not a TEXTUAL GENRE. It’s a super-important topic in the world, but when we’re thinking about textual genres, we need to be thinking about writing. I need you to focus specifically on a piece of WRITING that is associated with racism. Ask yourself: what kinds of writing do people produce that touches on racism?

    You mentioned that reporters and journalists write about racism, and that’s true, but what sorts of ideas do they bring into their pieces? Whose voices do they bring into their pieces, and why? Ordinary citizens? Politicans? Community leaders?
    So again, get into the ingredients of a *specific piece of writing.* What are some common textual conventions/ingredients/patterns of this particular type of writing? What *in the writing* is observable? I think your next major step is to back up your claims by helping me to SEE what you want me to see. The best way to do that is to call my (and other readers’) attention to actual slices of language that you think represent something important.

    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.

