Friday, October 28, 2016


                                                        Genre in Dance

        I  have  found  literary  genre  in  Hip-Hop  dance  that  i  
 thought  was  interesting. Dance  may  be  the  topic  but  when  it  
 comes  to genre  "Hip-Hop"  is  a  type  of  genre. There  are  also  
 many  different  types  of  dance  genres. Usually  when  people  
think  of  the  word  genre  the  first  thing  that  person  might  think  about  is  music. Well  I'm  here  to  let  you  know  that  music,  dance,  or  anything  that  has  to  do  with  music  are  not  the  only  types  of  genres. Genres  can  be  in  things  you  do  and  see  everyday. My  definition  of  genre: Anything  that   is  in written  or  textual form. 

      Like  I  said  in  the  paragraph  above ,  Dance  the  topic  but  Hip-Hop  is the genre. Hip-Hop  evolved  from  the  music  style  that  was  first  introduced  in  the 1970s. Powered  by  the  great  popularity  in  media,  movies,  and  television  programs. Hip-Hop  dances  found  a  great  foothold  on the  United  States,  France,  United Kingdom,  and South Karea. Journalist  from  various  online  sites  writes  about  Hip-Hop  dance. For  example;  has  dance  trends  articles  up  there.  

       A  reader  could  read  this  article  in  different  perspectives.  some  people  might  read  this  article  rhetorically  or  even  figure  out  what  the  conventions  are  of  this  certain  genre. For  example  in  the  article  I  read on, I  read  it  rhetorically. I   think  it  was  rhetorical  because  it  was  persuasive  in  a  way. A  quote  from  the  article  stated "These  dances  in  a  way  link  all  of  us  together  and  allow  everyone  to  let  go  and  be  silly,  and  have  a  little  fun.

        Some  one  thats  reading  a piece  like  this  would  scan  through  it  because  it  could  have  some  informal  or  important  details  about  genre. Someone  will  read  this  article  like  a  writer  because  it  will  help  them  get  a better  understanding  of  rhetorically writing  or  writing  conventions. This  article  also  showed  logos. The  article  showed  logos  by  stating  that  "Hip-Hop  dances  are  trends  today  and  go  viral  all  the  time  online.  People  from  all  around  the  world  see  these  dances . Its   a  proven  fact how  many  peaople  have  viewed these  dance  videos  all  around  the  world.

       This  article  also  showed  ethos.  Before you  get  a  chance  to  read  the  article, at  the  top  of  the  page  the  article  gives  credibility  to  the  writer  or  author. Pathos  for  me  played  a  big  part  also. Me  personally  reading  the  article  felt  some  type  of  emotion  as  in  being  excited  to  read  about  it  because  I  love  to  dance . In   the  article  I  found  different  strategies  we  use  when  discussing  genre  .

1.Rhetorical Writing

      This  article  shows  conventions. It  explains  what  ingredients  was  put  together  to  make  these  dance  videos  go  viral . For  example  ,  Facebook  getting  that  video  shared  around  millions  of  times  , or  even you tube.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

PB1B dance genres

         PB1B: Dance Genres

      I have found literary literary genres in "Dance" that i though was interesting. dance may be a topic but when it comes to genres, there are many genres of dance. Three different genres of dance of dance that can be found in articles and different forms of writing are Hip Hop, Tap Dance, and Salsa. When you think of the word genre the first thing that might come to your mind is music because thats probably what you already know about genres. Im here to show you that genre can be found in things you do and see in everyday life. Genre can be anything thats in a form of writing. 

      The first type of dance genre is "Hip Hop". Hip Hop evolved from the music style that was first introduced in the 1970s. Powers by the great popularity in media, movies, and television programs. Hip Hop dances found a great foothold on the United States France, United Kingdom, and South Karea. You can find different articles about Hip Hop dance online. For example I got my article from 

Journalist that works for writes about how dances have been going viral over the years.

      Some people can read these articles from different perspectives. This article can be persuasive to someone or very informal. Someone thats reading a piece like this would scan through it cause it could be some important information in it. Someone would red this article like a writer because it will help them to better understand the rhetorical writing. 

      If someone was to read this article rhetorically that means that the person thought that the article was in a persuasive form of writing. In the articles I found , I found that they were all genres.
In the Hip Hop article i found different strategies we use when discussing genre. 
                               1.Rhetorical writing 
                               2. Logos

      The Hip Hop article showed examples of rhetorical writing because in the article it stated " These dances in a way , link all of us together and allow everyone to let go, be silly, and have a little fun. Thats kinda persuasive right? The article is basically presiding the reader to dance because its fun. This article also showed Logos by stating that Hip Hop dances are trends today and go viral all the time online. People see the dances from all around the world. Its proven facts how many people have viewed this video.  This article shows conventions too! It explains what ingredients were put together to make these videos go viral . Like on Facebook getting shared around and on youtube and other online sites. 

      The article obviously used Ethos. At the very top before the article it says the writer name and when it was posted . As you can see from my examples. Genre can be any form of writing no matter what it might might be. It can be music , books, resumes, cover letters or reference letters ect.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Thlog : close reading

  I think that close reading is  very helpful and useful . I learned that by close reading it can save you a lot of time in the long  run . I think looking into all the details of a passage for example  like word meaning , imagery , and rhetorical devices could reallly  make a student better comprehend a passage  better . It can also help a reader improve his/her writing skills . Close reading will be a good strategy for me because I usually like to take my time to read and reread certain parts of the passage to help me get Is better understanding.  I was doing this before but didn't know it was called "close reading"

Thlog : close reading

  I think that close reading is  very helpful and useful . I learned that by close reading it can save you a lot of time in the long  run . I think looking into all the details of a passage for example  like word meaning , imagery , and rhetorical devices could reallly  make a student better comprehend a passage  better . It can also help a reader improve his/her writing skills . Close reading will be a good strategy for me because I usually like to take my time to read and reread certain parts of the passage to help me get Is better understanding.  I was doing this before but didn't know it was called "close reading"

Friday, October 14, 2016


                               The genre that I am writing about is "Racism". I found three different news articles online about racism. The web sites were,, and on

          The definition of "Racism" is when the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. There are so many other words associated with the word "racism" like prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism.  Racism still exist after hundreds of years. Racism started in the 1600s when African Americans first came to America. That's when the Americans started being racist towards them. Racism started because some people felt like they wanted to be superior , entitled , better , and more deserving of any good then those who were a different color then them.

          Racism can be found all across America. Not only in America but other countries too. You can usually find information on racism in news articles and other websites on line. The subject that this genre usually include is "separation". This genre addresses the discrimination issues we have in society today . For example you might see a police officer pull over 4 black males but odds are that they probably wouldn't pull over a group of whit males in that same situation. That would also be called racial profiling. My definition of racial profiling  is when someone judge you off your appearance or the color of your skin. Today we don't really address these issues because  some people wants to believe that racism doesn't exist .

        In todays society  the main participants in reading and writing about racism might be political parties.  People who usually writes and read about racism are book reporters and journalist .Writers and readers usually read or right about this genre when something happens in today life concerning racism. This genre is used in every day life . It is used for the good so we can put a end to racism. The purpose that it fulfill for those who read and write about racism is that they will give their audience a better understanding of racism. The thing that readers and writers get out of Writing about this genre is "change".    

       There is usually no content included when were talking about racism. In today world no ones never satisfied with racism because the issue is still not resolved. We have evidence today that racism still exists. For example, on all job application they ask you what race you are. Why would an employer need to know that if they weren't discriminating? That is just a small part of the evidence it exists today. Another one in poor black neighborhoods if there's a violent crime the cops would come late and probably let the person who's shot die. Verses a white neighborhood if someone gets shot they come faster then a blank of a eye.

       The rhetoric appeals that are commonly used in these articles and information on racism is when people try to persuade the audience that racism doesn't exist. These writers attempt to persuade readers by starting off their articles with interesting topic.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

about be blurb



                          My name is Cartier Perkins. I was born and raised in north Philadelphia. Some of the

things I really enjoy doing are dancing, listening to music, working with kids, and going out to eat.

The kinds of music I listen to are R&B and Hip Hop. When it comes to children I have a passion for

helping them do better in general . My favorite restaurants to eat at are Apple Bees and Friday's.